Thoughts on knitting with two strands of cotton and alpaca lace

Good evening, everyone.
I have started to handle new cottons this year.
I have been doing a lot of research to see what kind of knitting techniques I can use.
Today I would like to write about how I feel when I knit cotton and alpaca lace together.

First of all, the thickness of cotton is 100g/425m.
In contrast, alpaca lace is 100g/1,200m.
Looking at the numbers alone, alpaca lace is 1/3 thinner than cotton.
The actual comparison is as follows.

(Top is alpaca lace, bottom is cotton)

My alpaca lace is a finer yarn than other lace yarns.
At first, we thought that even if we knit them together, it would not be that noticeable.
And here is the finished pullover.

The wool has a softer, fluffier feel than when knitted with 100% cotton.

Here is a close-up of the knitted fabric. Can you see how the holes are a little fluffy?
It is a lace yarn, but it has a very strong presence.
Next, when I knit this yarn, I felt no discomfort even though I knit a non-stretchable yarn and a stretchy yarn together.
It was very easy to knit, probably because I had pulled together animal hair yarns.

And about the texture.
When it was 100% cotton, it was very light and smooth, but this one feels a little soft and smooth from the animal fibers.
This pullover is made of 75% cotton, 12.5% wool, and 12.5% alpaca.
Animal fibers are about 25%, so it seems to me that exactly that proportion gives it its character.
Also, I think what everyone is concerned about is whether or not it tingles.
I know some of you may be concerned because you can't actually hold it in your hands and see it, but...I didn't feel a tingle.
I was concerned that my skin might be too strong, so I asked a friend with sensitive skin what she thought, just to be sure, but she said it was fine.

Finally, here are my thoughts on wearing it.
I wore it at a maximum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and it was neither too hot nor too cold.
I would recommend it in the spring or fall when wool is a little too hot!
I would like to test it again to see how it will be in midsummer.
I haven't knitted it yet, but I would like to try knitting two strands in different colors.
Alpaca lace
and Cotton are available at the link.
I hope you will try knitting your favorite piece of clothing.
Thank you very much for taking a look until the end.

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