New Work Announcement

Good evening, everyone.
How are you doing today, as you are wondering if it is time to put away your winter clothes?

The other day, I saw plum blossoms at a park.
The park is filled with seasonal flowers, and as I was strolling around, I noticed a cherry tree.
When I took a closer look, I noticed that the buds were plump.
It looked like it was about to bloom.
So, Bon voyage hand dyed yarn will be selling our new "cherry blossoms".
This is the fifth time we have dyed on this theme.
This year, we decided to go back to the basics and use semi-solid yarn.
There are four types: original yarn, alpaca lace, kid mohair, and HT merino sock.
I am currently knitting swatches with various types of yarn in a trial production, and I have made many new discoveries.
I will write more about that later.

The sale will be on Friday, March 10 at 8pm.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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